NSBSD Interim Assessments

The North Slope Borough School District administers several assessments as part of a balanced assessment approach.

mCLASS and Map Growth are the district's interim assessments used to identify student needs and guide instruction.

Per Alaska State Statute 14.03.016, parents have the right to make educational decisions for their children. Please contact your child's school principal if you would like your child not to participate in a summative state or district interim assessment.


Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) has selected Amplify’s mCLASS® with DIBELS 8th edition as the statewide literacy screener that will help with the early identification of students with reading deficiencies. mCLASS is a foundational literacy assessment based on the Science of Reading

Students in grades k-3 participate in the mCLASS Literacy screener.

mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition is an English universal screener and progress monitoring reading assessment tool. It measures foundational literacy skills, creates instant groups, and includes targeted teacher-led instructional plans.

Students are assessed using one-minute probes in early literacy and reading fluency.

For more information about mCLASS, visit the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development's mCLASS webpage.

MAP Growth

Students in grades 3-12 participate in the MAP Growth assessment.

MAP is a K – 12 interim assessment that measures growth. Data from MAP can help educators project proficiency on state accountability tests, support differentiated instruction, and serve as an input for program evaluation. Computer adaptive MAP assessments help identify a student’s current academic achievement level and what they’re ready to learn. MAP assessments are grade independent and adapt to each student’s instructional level.

The MAP assessment takes most students around 45 minutes to complete. However, MAP Growth is not timed, and students may take as much time as they need .


NSBSD uses Dial-4 as a screening instrument to identify young children (K-3 and K-4) in need of help with academic skills or in need of further intervention or assessment as part of the District’s Child Find process.

The entire screener takes roughly 45 minutes to complete.

To learn more about the Speed DIAL4 please visit the website below.
